Spreading the Junk Gospel

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

We love keeping it independent

'Always keep it independent' was some advice we received last week, and we have no intention of doing anything less. Everything we do, we do because we love it, not because we think it'll sell more or because we want to increase our SEO. I mean, it's not like we don't want to sell more or increase our SEO but we know the people who buy our tees aren't going to be duped by fancy virals or getting some stick thin fashionista wearing our designs in the 'spotted' section of Heat or other lady brain rotting publications.

So we're pretty new to blogging, tweeting, facebooking, er... and any other internet-ing that we can get involved in. And we know this is an amazing way to keep everyone who follows, likes and whatever-else's-us updated. But we were amazed to read about how completely mental the world of blogging is... isn't this supposed to be a fun thing?! Apparently people are just going to stop reading if you don't update like, every day or keep it super regular or whatever. Surely we can just write about what we want, when we want? If not then i'm afraid we've fallen at the first hurdle... This should have gone up yesterday to continue the every-other-day-ness of this particular blog.

We hope that our followers, members & readers will understand. But we will always do what we promised from the start (something about being an independent company what designs t-shirts, I forget now).

Hide Your Arms has a great blog, and it's got a list of people we want to be t-shirt friends with.


We've been listening to a lot of Swell Maps and we like reading about their early ventures of convincing shops in Camden market to sell their tapes. We really like Swell Maps, and we really don't like Elastica.

From blog photos

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